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Monday 25 April 2016


Hello dear friend,

I know you are hurting. You feel like nobody could possible understand you right now. Everyone tells you to move on for your own good. I did the same, didn't I? So people like you who have broken heart restore to telling other people that they are okay. Of course what else they could do? Its better than explaining things to them that you don't understand yourself. Today I want to tell you something that I didn't say the other day when you told me that you still miss her & still not over her after all this time. Often these days I come across your Facebook posts which are reminiscent of you broken relationship & heart. My friend, I want to tell you that PEOPLE WHO GOT THEIR HEART BROKEN ARE BRAVE. They are the ones who put their feelings out their in open to show they love someone special, they care for them. Not everybody can do that because they can't risk getting hurt. The pain you feel right now will go away with time, I promise. You will fall in love again. Don't resist your feelings of grief. Let yourself drown in it. And then you will see slowly you have started to swim.  The sun will shine in your face again & birds will sing only for you. It will get better. I want to reach you & help your broken heart but I will also understand if you need your own time to heal. So I want you to know that I'm here for you. For as long as you want me to.

With love

Your best friend 

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