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Friday 29 April 2016

You Know You Are an Aries When

1. You are Opinionated.

You form your beliefs & ideas based on your experiences & observations. So nobody better try to impose their ideas/beliefs on you or better be ready for a good debate.

2. You are Emotional

So what if you have a resting bitch face? Your heart is soft. You don't like showing your emotional side to everybody.

3. You are Loyal.

Loyalty means a lot to you. Your are loyal to your family and friends & expects them to be loyal as well. This is the reason Aries turns so bitter towards anybody who betrays them.

4. You are Impatient.

Well this one is the universal fact. Though you can be indecisive yourself but if anybody else takes a lot of time you lose your cool.

5. You are Forgiving

Though may not forget how people hurt you, you eventually may decide to forgive them for your inner peace means a lot to you. As an Aries you are introspective.

6. You Focus on Bigger Picture than Details

Seeing your big project coming together in your head is one of the things that get you super excited to finish it. Though a perfectionist you can't let focusing on small details come in the way of finishing your project on time.

7. You are die-hard Romantic.

You are creative genius and would use this talent to make your sweet-heart feel special.

8. You are Bossy.

Okay so you know how to do things right or atleast you try to do the best. Therefore if anybody is coming in your way of doing things & would try to tell you he or she knows the best, you might as well set him straight. Right?

9. Your are Kind.

People may take you as a snob at first but you have are a kind and forgiving person. You step into people's shoes to see things from their perspective. No matter how many times your heart broke, it is full of love & positivity.

10. You are Unconventional.

You are non-conformist. You don't think why? You think why not?!! After all being adventures is part of being Aries. ;)

Monday 25 April 2016


Hello dear friend,

I know you are hurting. You feel like nobody could possible understand you right now. Everyone tells you to move on for your own good. I did the same, didn't I? So people like you who have broken heart restore to telling other people that they are okay. Of course what else they could do? Its better than explaining things to them that you don't understand yourself. Today I want to tell you something that I didn't say the other day when you told me that you still miss her & still not over her after all this time. Often these days I come across your Facebook posts which are reminiscent of you broken relationship & heart. My friend, I want to tell you that PEOPLE WHO GOT THEIR HEART BROKEN ARE BRAVE. They are the ones who put their feelings out their in open to show they love someone special, they care for them. Not everybody can do that because they can't risk getting hurt. The pain you feel right now will go away with time, I promise. You will fall in love again. Don't resist your feelings of grief. Let yourself drown in it. And then you will see slowly you have started to swim.  The sun will shine in your face again & birds will sing only for you. It will get better. I want to reach you & help your broken heart but I will also understand if you need your own time to heal. So I want you to know that I'm here for you. For as long as you want me to.

With love

Your best friend 

Monday 2 February 2015

A Bigger Question?

"A 3 years old raped........" news reporter was saying as my father turned on a news channel.

Thursday 29 January 2015

What Michelle Obama wore to India

 The Arrival

 As President Obama and the First Lady arrived at the Delhi airport on the chilly morning of 

Friday 16 January 2015

A Novel Journey

I remember when I was in 9th grade I’d a friend in my class who used to read so many novels. Once I saw a thick old looking book with her so I asked her what that book was about & she told me that it was Tom Swayer, an interesting book about a boy, that she'd borrowed from the school library. She insisted that I too should read it as its a very good book.

Thursday 15 January 2015

How to win an argument?!

We all have been part of some heated discussions/arguments in our lives. Do you remember the last time when you got into an argument with somebody? May be with your mother, friend, sibling or just any random person, huh?! Today when I got into one such argument I realised that winning an argument is in fact an art! So I decided to do some research on this topic. When I googled I found some really interesting & insightful articles about it. One article that I found was-'How to win an argument when you're wrong". But I've no intention of winning an argument when I'm wrong. What is the point of arguing when you know you're wrong? It's just a huge wastage of the time & energy. It creates a scene like Big Boss house where people argue like mad! Moreover you can never make a good impression on anyone when you argue like Samvhavna Seth.

"Choose your battles wisely. After all, life isn't measured by how many times you stood up to fight. It's not winning battles that makes you happy, but it's how many times you turned away and chose to look into a better direction. Life is too short to spend it on warring. Fight only the most, most, most important ones, let the rest go.”

First & foremost it is very important to decide where to pursue an argument & where to let it slide. Golden rules of any argument are-Don't lose temper.  Remember point no.1. Because if you lose temper you lose! Also it is very important to stick to the point. It becomes even more crucial to keep your mind cool when someone starts personal attacks. Defeat the opponent with facts & logic.